Sacred reminders for courageous hearts
Navigate your empathy and sensitivity as well as life’s challenges and changes with compassion, grit and grace.
Knowledge, insights, tips, rituals, practices and inspiration to support and empower you
How to use radical compassion to help yourself through a freeze state (or any difficult emotion or experience)
Some members of my community have been telling me that they’re in various states of freeze that they've been in for quite some time, or that they’re really challenged by going into a freeze response in certain situations such as being criticised by a loved one or having anger directed towards them.
So in this helpful article, I explain:
what a freeze state is
why you can get stuck in a freeze response
the typical approaches people react to a freeze and why they don’t work
how radical self-compassion can help yourself get out of a freeze state; and
I take you through Tara Brach’s RAIN process combined with somatic touch to help you through a freeze/shutdown response or any challenge you may be experiencing
BONUS audio recording of me taking you through the RAIN and somatic touch process for radical self-compassion
How trauma and the freeze response might be stopping you from changing your life and achieving your dreams
I was going to write an article about how our inner critics work against us, but now that I’ve sat down to write, the words have frozen inside me and it feels like a drawer-bridge crashed down in front of me so I can’t move forward and write. My stomach is constricted. Feelings of dread, horror and shame arise. My arms feel jittery and weak. I want to go and do something else that doesn’t feel as hard or scary.
Have you ever experienced something like that?
Maybe it wasn’t as result of writing. Perhaps you wanted to reach out to someone to take the next step in a friendship or relationship, make contact with someone you haven’t spoken to for a long time, apply for your dream job, go somewhere new on holiday or take a creative class alone, speak in public or bring up a conflict or issue in a relationship. You may have concluded that you’re on the wrong track, that what you’re feeling is an indication that you shouldn’t proceed. If it feels bad, maybe you’re just not meant to do it? Or maybe what you long for just isn’t for you? Why would doing something you love or really want to do feel so bad? But this often isn’t what it signifies at all.
Instead of writing about inner critics in this article or even a more soulful piece as I love to do, I am sharing about navigating the freeze response on your growing edge – where you want to step towards something you long to experience but freeze and get stuck and can’t go towards it. It can be very painful, lonely and upsetting. Without a map – a clear understanding– of what is happening you can stay stuck for too long or give up and never get to where you long to be.
Become a Safe Space to Process Your Emotions for Liberation and Wisdom
Sometimes when I’m working a big growth edge in my life, I wake up feeling fear and dread in my stomach, mostly fear. When I feel intense feelings that I don’t like my old pattern is to get rid of it by pushing it away, ignoring it or dissociating from it. This was how I survived some overwhelming felt experiences in my childhood.
The problem is that these strategies may bring some temporary relief but they aren’t very effective in the long-term. Resisting any unwanted feeling tends to amplify it and can lock it in, especially if the feeling is coming from a young part of you that needs your holding and care and another part of you is pushing it away. Trying to ignore it on the other hand can lead to reactive behavior or disconnecting from the body you are here to inhabit and fully live through.
In this article I will explain:
the role your feelings play in your life and why they matter
what you need to know about tending to your feelings (and what not to do)
and how to become a safe space for you feelings so that you don’t get stuck in them and can discover the wisdom they may hold
Feeling anxious, stressed or panicked? Read my love letter for your stuck or panicked soul
Dear lost, searching, trying, sensitive soul,
If change has been forced upon you. If the rug has been pulled out from under your feet.
If what you had is lost or taken from you and you’ve been thrown into a sudden abyss of darkness and uncertainty. If your way is lost, you’ve lost your vision, become directionless, disoriented, confused and you don’t know what to do, who or where to turn to.
Your body may be panicking. You might be fearful and anxious, desperate and scrambling to find a way out of your situation. Your nervous system will be automatically making you react into fight, flight, freeze or fawn.
But don’t rush to take the first step that comes to mind to get you out of your experience and away from where you don’t want to be unless the house is on fire or you are in some other kind of immediate danger. Don’t scramble to retrace your steps to find out where you went wrong to end up in this place for nothing is wrong despite what you may think. This may be confusing but stay with me and you’ll understand.
The biology of stuckness: how your nervous system can stop you achieving your dreams and what to do about it
There will be times in your life, when change is forced upon you, the rug is pulled out from under your feet, where what you had is lost or taken from you and you are thrown into a sudden abyss of darkness and uncertainty. The way is lost.
You may feel immense fear, panic, dread, and confusion, worry or even numbness or shame.
When things stop working in your life or where you are trying to reach a goal but can’t find your way to get there, you can easily jump to the conclusion that something is wrong, that you’ve made a mistake and that you need to fix things to make it work again.
There is a biological reason for this. …
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